- All day,
All CRRL branches are closed Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Come to Howell's monthly sale for a wide selection of books and more!
Thursday - Saturday: Full PriceMonday - Tuesday: Half PriceWednesday: $3 a bag day
Johnny Johnson's Watermedia Workshop
In ProgressWatercolor works by Johnny P. Johnson Watermedia Workshop artists.
Come to Salem Church's monthly sale for a wide selection of books and more!
Full Price: January 21-24 Half Price: January 25 & 27 $3 a Bag: January 28
Take & Make Grownup Activity Bags: Hygge
In ProgressPick up a Take and Make bag filled with an activity and related resource list for adults.
Come to Howell's monthly sale for a wide selection of books and more!
Thursday - Saturday: Full PriceMonday - Tuesday: Half PriceWednesday: $3 a bag day
Specially trained staff present stories, songs, and activities that lay the foundation your child needs to get ready to read. For children and their caregivers.
Specially trained staff present stories, songs, and activities that lay the foundation your child needs to get ready to read. For children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.
December 17 and February 11 are special holiday-themed classes.
Specially trained staff present stories, songs, and activities that lay the foundation your child needs to get ready to read. For children ages 2 and under, and their caregivers.
January: Commonwealth by Ann Patchett
February: This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger
Book selections can be picked up at Fredericksburg Branch.
One-on-one help on writing a resume, applying for jobs, and more. Sign-up required for all classes. Sign up by phone: 540-372-1144, ext. 7232.
Presented by Rappahannock Goodwill Industries.
Specially trained staff present stories, songs, and activities that lay the foundation your child needs to get ready to read. For children ages 2 and under, and their caregivers.
Specially trained staff present stories, songs, and activities that lay the foundation your child needs to get ready to read. For children and their caregivers.
Resume and job search help from a Program Career Readiness Specialist with RARAE (Rappahannock Area Regional Adult Education). Book your appointment: or 540-898-8165.
Specially trained staff present stories, songs, and activities that lay the foundation your child needs to get ready to read. For children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.
December 17 and February 11 are special holiday-themed…
Learn about your rights as a tenant and get answers to your legal questions. Presented by Legal Aid Works. No appointments needed. Income limits apply.